The economic aspect of Britrish Petroleum's disastrous Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
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13 May 2010. Elmer Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana.
Sgt George Achee of the Louisiana National guard inspects sandbags deposited earlier and already disappearing fast with the tide. Like King Canute before them, Louisiana National Guardsmen of the 922nd Horizontal Engineer Company, 769th Engineer Battalion fight a losing battle against mother nature as they battle against the strong currents to close the inland waterways from the ocean now depositing oil from the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe on the beaches.
Photo credit; Charlie Varley/
- Filename
- 13may10-oil spill025.JPG
- Copyright
- Charlie Varley
- Image Size
- 3240x2115 / 589.2KB
elmer island lafourche parish gulf mexico usa america americana american deepwater horizon BP british petroleum transocean haliburton environment environmental disaster oil black gold spill leak pollute pollution death corporate mass murder disgrace disgraceful shame shameful deregulation ecological eco unfriendly man made unnatural water sea ocean fish fishermen fisherman contaminate contaminated national guard 922 engineer engineers engineering build battle against elements tide tidal 769 battalion company soldier soldiers beach king canute sgt george achee
- Contained in galleries
- 13may10-BP oil spill