Barataria Bay, Grand Isle.
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23 July 2010. Cat Islands. Barataria Bay near Grand Isle, Louisiana.
Has mother nature naturally cleaned up the oil spill with human help? Young immature pelicans rest on one of the Cat islands near Grand Isle. In what would appear to be good news for the area, the pelicans and boom are clean. A sweep through Barataria bay uncovered only two oiled pelicans. No tar balls or oil were seen in the water. Many of the marsh grasses appeared to be growing back. Perhaps the area is witnessing the beginning of the end of the disaster from BP's massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? It will be many years before the long term effects of the spill are known and a tropical storm or hurricane could still bring large slicks of oil ashore. For now though, the situation looks relatively good.
Photo credit; Charlie Varley/
- Filename
- 23july10-BP oil048.JPG
- Copyright
- Charlie Varley
- Image Size
- 3261x2179 / 537.6KB
grand isle jefferson barataria bay marshes boom ocean lafourche parish gulf mexico usa america americana american deepwater horizon BP british petroleum transocean haliburton environment environmental disaster oil black gold spill leak pollute pollution death corporate mass murder disgrace disgraceful shame shameful deregulation ecological eco unfriendly man made unnatural water sea fish fishermen fisherman fishing grounds tourist tourists vaction vacationing holiday close closed shrimp boat economy economic impact wildlife birds pelicans clean protect end in sight restore restored mother nature
- Contained in galleries
- Birds, Wildlife, 23july10-BP-Oil