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The good, the bad and the ugly. The things we do to affect our environment.
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14 imagesDomestic solar panels as installed in New Orleans. Clean energy solutions. Please note – Use of these images is restricted to EDITORIAL or personal use only. No model/property releases are supplied unless stipulated. For any potential commercial use please contact varleypix.com. Cutting/copying/pasting/printing images for media/web sites/blog use without permission constitutes copyright theft. ONLINE Media/bloggers please note - your use of images DOES NOT constitute 'personal' sales, this is considered editorial use - editorial rates apply. All images ©varleypix.com 1990-2015.
10 imagesProtesters with Global Climate Convergence hold a rally outside City Hall on Earth Day to promote awareness for their cause for 'People - Planet - Peace over Profit.'
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